A Safe Tool to Assist Systematic Hoof Care and Hoof Trimming of Sows

Piggytrim operates by letting the sow to go into the box. Hereafter she is hoisted  lying on her stomach with her legs on either side of the longitudinal tubes. The sow calms down when the floor disappears beneath it, and you can work undisturbed with the hoof care/trimming.

With Piggytrim you are secured a product of high quality

  • Fixing is integrated in the box, so there will be no extra work
  • Piggytrim has been tested in a German test station
  • We offer instructions of how to use the box and how to do hoof trimming on sows
  • The box is constructed so the sow will not be able to jump out of it.

Easy operation
The box is operated by two buttons and there is no safety paddles or similar to keep in mind.

Location of the box
Piggytrim is placed in an appropriate place in the barn in relation to the internal logistics.

The hoof care is done with a grinder with a flap disc attached and a hoof scissors. The treatment takes about 5 – 10 min. per. sow.

Piggy Trim

The measurements of the box

  • Height: 1,5 meter
  • Width: 1,2 meter
  • Length: 2,2 meter

Minimum measures for the surroundings of Piggytrim
Height to the sealing: 3,3 meter
Free height under the box: 2,1 meter
Distance in front of the box and behind the box:

Piggytrim needs 220V